Sunday, 5 March 2017

I see the worst of me in you...

Psychological projection is when we refuse to admit to our own shortcomings and then attribute them to others. Especially our worst attributes!

Normally people will do this so that they can feel better about themselves and justify their own shortcomings. It's just so much easier to blame others for your failures and your shortcomings than to take responsibility for it. 

I often wonder how people can feel good about blaming and belittling others? There must be something serious wrong with your way of thinking and your value system!

We all deal with people who blame others and try and make you wrong so that they can be right. Such people are usually afraid to admit that they share a part of the responsibility. And they are particularly vindictive when they have something to hide!! You see, they have to start an argument so that they don't have to give reckoning when they are takien to task. Whilst you are still thinking about the insults and the blame that was projected your way, they are already onto the next topic. 

Just next time pay attention and you will see that this is a masterful way of avoiding taking responsibility and being held accountable.

It is hard to take responsibility for our own actions and then get rid of our emotional baggage. It is much easier to blame others!

I've just been on the receiving end of such a "projectile"! Somebody that has met me no more than 3 times. That knows absolutely nothing about me but takes the liberty to project her own insecurities and shortcomings on me. That feels entitled to insult me, tells me what a terrible person I am (even though she has not spoken more than 200 words with me in her life)

And you know what...I didn't even retaliate. I just shook my head and moved on...because let me tell you are not worth spending a minute of unhappiness on. Not one single minute. If you can be so insulting and vindictive because someone actually held you accountable...I'm just grateful you are not my friend.

The "blamer" is ALWAYS in the weaker position. Especially if YOU can rise above it and walk away. Because by doing that you give them NO POWER.

Stop projecting your weakness unto others...some of us see right through you! 


Romans 2:1 
You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.