Some wise guy once said..."When there is a hill to climb, don't think waiting will make it smaller"
I have never been a procrastinator but lately I find myself postponing things until it is such a huge MOUNTAIN that I don't feel like doing it either!
I am normally so good at having everything organised...I mean after all I have been a project manager all my work according to a work breakdown structure...a time schedule with deadlines and consequences!
Maybe I am "over worked" - not in the sense of having done hours and hours of work and then getting physically tired...but MAYBE I am just tired of always organising everything and making sure everything is in its right place.
REBELLION??? (I think I am a bit old for rebellion, don't you? I mean 56 years old and still rebelling?? Eish! )
My mother would tell you very quickly that I wasn't a neat child. My room and cupboards were always "deurmekaar" and if she wanted to punish me she had to make me repack and organize them! I normally just kicked everything under the bed! (If my children had done that I probably would have kicked their little arses)
Then there was a stage in my life when I became a real neat freak! The coat hangers in my closet all had to face the same way (backwards) and the clothes were all arranged in their colours...which wasn't too difficult because at that stage of my life I wore only a few colours (and I'm finding myself going back to that stage lately! Except now the colours are predominantly black) Even my books were indexed according to the DEWEY system...Complete with labels on the spine!!
Lately I keep on finding the best excuses NOT to do what I have been postponing!
On her way to the Von Trapp family home for the first time, Maria sings about "I have confidence in Me" (Sound of Music - my all time favorite movie). And she says:
" My heart should be wildly rejoicing
Oh, what's the matter with me?
I've always longed for adventure
To do the things I've never dared
And here I'm facing adventure
Then why am I so scared"
But I'm not scared...and I have confidence in me!! Maybe I'm just lazy...maybe I'm just not in the mood to be the only one doing things...putting things in place,,,picking them up from the floor where others have dropped them...maybe I just have BETTER things to do!
I found this lovely picture on the WWW.

So MAYBE I am just one of billions of people who don't always feel like doing things when they are supposed to be done!! Maybe I just do NOT want to be in a routine.
One thing I know for sure is...I am writing this post now just so I don't have to clean up the table I am sitting at!!
Luke 12:35 Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning...