Sunday, 8 January 2017

New Year's resolutions...

This year is already 7 days old! How many resolutions did you make for this year? How many of those have you already broken!?? :)

A Resolution is a FIRM decision or intention to do or not do something...and we all make them at the start of each year and a week later they are either broken or forgotten! Right?

I had a male teacher in Standard 4 (Grade 6 these days) that used to say that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" So I already decided in 1970 something *wink, wink* that I wasn't going to hell

Why make them if you know you are not going to keep them? So that you can prove yourself right or wrong? Don't you know who you are and what you are capable of?

I wake up everyday and I make resolutions...for that day ONLY. Sometimes I write it down so I can check them off my list at the end of the day...It gives me some kind of perverse pleasure to do that! It may be something as simple as *make someone smile today* OR something as difficult as *be patient with those around you today*

That is how it should be...ONE resolution for ONE day. That way you NEVER set yourself up for failure...and at the end of the year you have SUCCESSFULLY achieved 365 resolutions! How easy is that??

We should write them down on a piece of paper each day (BUT only if we achieved them) and throw it in a be opened on New Year'S Eve at the end of the year...


why not have 4 bottles? One for each day's resolution and one for ...




We should treat every new day as a NEW YEAR's day...and live each day as if it is our last...when I lay my head to sleep...I want to know that I have done my best today, been my best, been my kindest to my fellow man...and if I died in the night...those that knew me and those I loved will think happy thoughts about me...I didn't let anything stand between us, nothing was left unsaid...all was forgiven and ...

MATTHEW 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own"

Look for the BLESSINGS...not the TROUBLES...those will present themselves without request.

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