Sunday, 15 January 2017

Are you a Closet Bully?

I hate bullies. I've always hated them...

In fact when I was younger I went out of my way to put them in their place. And I was proud of that. I mean, after all, I stood up for the underdogs, those people who couldn't or wouldn't stand up for themselves!


1) How do you react when you see a young girl/woman with an ultra short mini, exposed midriff and stilettos?

Do you by any chance think  (or say) something like:
"Cheap slut";
"Didn't her mother teach her to dress properly"
Do you show your young girls that person and say something like "don't you ever dress like that. She looks like a whore/prostitute "
Do you show your young son that person and say something like " If you ever bring a cheap girl like that to our house I will chase her away"

2) Are you forever posting comments on other people's Facebook pages (lots of times people you have never met in real life) criticizing something they did or said? Or they posted a complaint and you write a whole essay in response on how it isn't like they said? Just because their opinion or beliefs do not correspond with yours? 

3) Do you latch onto a News story and "give it to them" in the comment section and anyone that dares contradict you are attacked or belittled because they dared disagree with you? Calling them trolls and all kinds of insulting names...not necessarily on Facebook but definitely in the privacy of your home behind your computer? Where you can hide behind the screen and anonymity?

4) Are you the Grammar and Spelling Police, calling everyone dumb because they cannot spell?

5) Do you sit at the hairdresser and tell everyone who wants to hear (or not, like me - this is a pet hate of mine...having to listen to all the gossip at the hairdresser!!) how you put the teacher in her place because she dared ask you why you were late fetching your child? And who the hell is she because you are entitled to a very hectic and busy life and she just has to wait, because after all "I pay her salary"!?

6) Are you one of those people that are hung up on other people's weight and EVERY conversation you have somewhere has a comment about how FAT other people are and how YOU do not have to diet? How you NEVER had to diet in your entire life? Do you judge people on how much they weigh? And everyone that is overweight are gluttons?

Does any of this sound familiar? 

If it does, I have BAD NEWS for you... YOU ARE A "closet" bully!!

Please think about it...
  • kids
Make it one of your resolutions this year not to be judgmental. 

In Afrikaans we say "beterwetig " (always knowing better). Ban those thoughts from your life and spread positive and uplifting energy this year.


Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you...

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